Lo-Fi Motion Graphics

Mye Ponrattanasiri
3 min readMar 27, 2021

Recalling what I’ve learned from class so far, Unity got me pretty excited. I’m into survival games to begin with. Being able to create a world of my own and navigate through it via the first-person controller was eye-opening. I, now, have a basic understanding of how survival games are built. However, I’m positive that gaming is not the route I’m heading towards. Therefore, I wanted to do something more related to my area of expertise, graphic design. I am recently tapping into 2D animation. Creating animation on C4D still feels super foreign to me, where my preferred animating software remains After Effect.

I’m taking this opportunity to do an animation project in After Effect. It took me days to decide what animation I wanted to make. Then, a thought came to me. I glanced at my second desktop where I had my lofi hip hop beats played in the background. I usually put those on while I work. I am very drawn to lofi motion graphics. They give me relaxation vibe, giving my mind a break when I stare at the screen. With this type of motion graphic, the animation tends to be super subtle while the artwork does the attention grabbing. I have included several GIFs below to display what I’m talking about. At the moment, I am dividing my project into three phrase: Explore, Create, and Animate.

Explore: I decided on neon cyberpunk as my artwork style. I am imagining a city landscape, night time, with a person standing in the center.

Create: If time permits, I’d draw one up myself. Otherwise, I will seek out resources from online.

Animate: From a quick research, people create lofi motion graphics by frame sequences. I am still not knowledgable enougn on how to make this. I plan to reach out to my motion graphic designer friends for guidance on this.

Since it will be my first time trying to animate this type of motion graphic, I am very nervous to see what challenges I will run into. In the end, the final piece will end up on my portfolio. This project will certainly expand my animation skill and determine if I could call myself an animator.

