Ode to my Fav Ice Cream

Mye Ponrattanasiri
2 min readSep 21, 2020

I chose to make a simple scrolling page of Matcha Ice Cream. It is one of my favorite flavors. The flavor is so unique. It’s not one of those flavors you can find anywhere. The page consists of three sections: introduction, ingredients, and instructions.

My main focus on this page is not the content, but the CSS elements I apply to the site. I used VSCode to write my HTML and CSS. As stated above, my page breaks into three sections. The first and second sections are in a two-column layout where the third section spreads throughout.

I did all my coding offline on my desktop and started a screen recording showing (Terminal) how I run the live-server on my computer and clone my project files to Github.

Note: at 2:18 when I moved my files to the new folder
When you relocate a folder or a file, it’s necessary to go back to the HTML and CSS files and make sure all the links are updated. In this case, my CSS was located in “code” before I moved it over to “cm-assignment03”. So, I had to go into my index.html and relink the location of my CSS from “../code/stylesheet.css” to “stylesheet.css”

I ran into a problem with Terminal trying to run the live-server. I struggled for hours because my page ran just fine when I launched it from my computer. Once I ran live-server, it just could not see my CSS file and launched my page with the basic HTML structure. I found out the error. It had to do with me directing Terminal to my specific project folder instead of a desktop. HTML and CSS are not new to me. I have taken a class on it back in undergraduate. Github and live-server, on the other hand, are completely new to me. After this assignment, I feel more certain in what we have been learning in class and confident enough to say I’m on track with the materials we have covered. If I have to explain my working process to someone that doesn’t know anything about web development and the tools used, then I’d say it’s hard at the start, but once you get it, you get it. Just like riding a bicycle.

